CMSIS2000  0.0.7
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCAPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR)
oCarm_bilinear_interp_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point bilinear interpolation function
oCarm_bilinear_interp_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function
oCarm_bilinear_interp_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 bilinear interpolation function
oCarm_bilinear_interp_instance_q7Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function
oCarm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31Instance structure for the high precision Q31 Biquad cascade filter
oCarm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
oCarm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32Instance structure for the floating-point Biquad cascade filter
oCarm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q15Instance structure for the Q15 Biquad cascade filter
oCarm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31Instance structure for the Q31 Biquad cascade filter
oCarm_cfft_radix2_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
oCarm_cfft_radix2_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function
oCarm_cfft_radix2_instance_q31Instance structure for the Radix-2 Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function
oCarm_cfft_radix4_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
oCarm_cfft_radix4_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function
oCarm_cfft_radix4_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function
oCarm_dct4_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point DCT4/IDCT4 function
oCarm_dct4_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 DCT4/IDCT4 function
oCarm_dct4_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 DCT4/IDCT4 function
oCarm_fir_decimate_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR decimator
oCarm_fir_decimate_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR decimator
oCarm_fir_decimate_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR decimator
oCarm_fir_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR filter
oCarm_fir_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR filter
oCarm_fir_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR filter
oCarm_fir_instance_q7Instance structure for the Q7 FIR filter
oCarm_fir_interpolate_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR interpolator
oCarm_fir_interpolate_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR interpolator
oCarm_fir_interpolate_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR interpolator
oCarm_fir_lattice_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR lattice filter
oCarm_fir_lattice_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR lattice filter
oCarm_fir_lattice_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR lattice filter
oCarm_fir_sparse_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point sparse FIR filter
oCarm_fir_sparse_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 sparse FIR filter
oCarm_fir_sparse_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 sparse FIR filter
oCarm_fir_sparse_instance_q7Instance structure for the Q7 sparse FIR filter
oCarm_iir_lattice_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point IIR lattice filter
oCarm_iir_lattice_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 IIR lattice filter
oCarm_iir_lattice_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 IIR lattice filter
oCarm_linear_interp_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point Linear Interpolate function
oCarm_lms_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point LMS filter
oCarm_lms_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 LMS filter
oCarm_lms_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 LMS filter
oCarm_lms_norm_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point normalized LMS filter
oCarm_lms_norm_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 normalized LMS filter
oCarm_lms_norm_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 normalized LMS filter
oCarm_matrix_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure
oCarm_matrix_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 matrix structure
oCarm_matrix_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 matrix structure
oCarm_pid_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point PID Control
oCarm_pid_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 PID Control
oCarm_pid_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 PID Control
oCarm_rfft_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point RFFT/RIFFT function
oCarm_rfft_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 RFFT/RIFFT function
oCarm_rfft_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 RFFT/RIFFT function
oCCONTROL_TypeUnion type to access the Control Registers (CONTROL)
oCCoreDebug_TypeStructure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug)
oCCPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR)
oCDWT_TypeStructure type to access the Data Watchpoint and Trace Register (DWT)
oCIPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR)
oCITM_TypeStructure type to access the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Register (ITM)
oCLPC_ADC_TypeDefAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) register structure definition
oCLPC_CAN_TypeDefController Area Network Controller (CAN) register structure definition
oCLPC_CANAF_RAM_TypeDefController Area Network Acceptance Filter RAM (CANAF_RAM)structure definition
oCLPC_CANAF_TypeDefController Area Network Acceptance Filter(CANAF) register structure definition
oCLPC_CANCR_TypeDefController Area Network Central (CANCR) register structure definition
oCLPC_DAC_TypeDefDigital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) register structure definition
oCLPC_EMAC_TypeDefEthernet Media Access Controller (EMAC) register structure definition
oCLPC_GPDMA_TypeDefGeneral Purpose Direct Memory Access (GPDMA) register structure definition
oCLPC_GPDMACH_TypeDefGeneral Purpose Direct Memory Access Channel (GPDMACH) register structure definition
oCLPC_GPIO_TypeDefGeneral Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) register structure definition
oCLPC_GPIOINT_TypeDefGeneral Purpose Input/Output interrupt (GPIOINT) register structure definition
oCLPC_I2C_TypeDefInter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) register structure definition
oCLPC_I2S_TypeDefInter IC Sound (I2S) register structure definition
oCLPC_IO_TypeDef_oldGeneral Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) register structure definition old pins style control
oCLPC_MCI_TypeDefMultiMedia Card Interface(MCI) Controller register structure definition
oCLPC_MCPWM_TypeDefMotor Control Pulse-Width Modulation (MCPWM) register structure definition
oCLPC_PINCON_TypeDefPin Connect Block (PINCON) register structure definition
oCLPC_PWM_TypeDefPulse-Width Modulation (PWM) register structure definition
oCLPC_QEI_TypeDefQuadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) register structure definition
oCLPC_RIT_TypeDefRepetitive Interrupt Timer (RIT) register structure definition
oCLPC_RTC_TypeDefReal-Time Clock (RTC) register structure definition
oCLPC_SC_TypeDefSystem Control (SC) register structure definition
oCLPC_SPI_TypeDefSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI) register structure definition
oCLPC_SSP_TypeDefSynchronous Serial Communication (SSP) register structure definition
oCLPC_TIM_TypeDefTimer (TIM) register structure definition
oCLPC_UART0_TypeDefUniversal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 0 (UART0) register structure definition
oCLPC_UART1_TypeDefUniversal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 1 (UART1) register structure definition
oCLPC_UART_TypeDefUniversal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) register structure definition
oCLPC_USB_TypeDefUniversal Serial Bus (USB) register structure definition
oCLPC_WDT_TypeDefWatchdog Timer (WDT) register structure definition
oCNVIC_TypeStructure type to access the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
oCos_mailQ_defDefinition structure for mail queue
oCos_messageQ_defDefinition structure for message queue
oCos_mutex_defMutex Definition structure contains setup information for a mutex
oCos_pool_defDefinition structure for memory block allocation
oCos_semaphore_defSemaphore Definition structure contains setup information for a semaphore
oCos_thread_defThread Definition structure contains startup information of a thread
oCos_timer_defTimer Definition structure contains timer parameters
oCosEventEvent structure contains detailed information about an event
oCSCB_TypeStructure type to access the System Control Block (SCB)
oCSCnSCB_TypeStructure type to access the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB
oCSysTick_TypeStructure type to access the System Timer (SysTick)
oCTPI_TypeStructure type to access the Trace Port Interface Register (TPI)
\CxPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR)