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ARM application debugging with OpenOCD

You need some tools for debugging:

  • target board with MCU
  • JTAG hardware debugger
  • debug server
  • debug client with text interface (GNU DEBUGER)
  • debug client with gui interface (Codeblocks or Eclipce)
  • compiled application (elf file)

Debugging scheme is simple:


Next sections describe this scheme from bottom to top.

Hardware part.

At first all electronic components on board must be connected. You should remember to some electric rules of this process:

  • PC ground has electrical connection to power supply and can have some voltage under real ground, sometime there is no galvanic isolation between board and PC in UART, USB, or JTAG interfaces.
  • A not activated Hw debugger can set RESET signal to MCU, also board can set this singal too. Activated reset does not allow MCU running.

Hw debugger is connected by JTAG connector. Next you should connect Debugger with USB cable to PC, and at last you should give power on board.

At the OS PC point of view debugger is a COM port USB device. OS drivers implements com port interface.There is two program implementations of such drivers:

  • libusb (used by openOCD)
  • ftdi (used by JLink)

A new usb device must appeared then you connect hw debugger to PC. Next you should run debug server.

Working with OpenOCD

OpenOCD is a debug server. Server waits TCP/IP connection from gdb on 3333 port, and telnet connection on 4444 port (see figure). Also debug server can be run in other modes (com порт, stdio). This modes are not described here. Server commands can be sent from gdb, all this commands starts from monitor word. Also commands can be sent from telnet debug console.

In majority there is no need to work with OpenOCD server, all operations can be done from gdb. But sometimes (CodeBlocks has no reset button) it is useful to send and look some messages to/from OpenOCD that can appeared if there is power reset or something hardware else.

See Also
Frequently running OpenOCD commands

Running OpenOCD

OpenOCD is running by command :

openocd -d2 -f interface/olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg -f target/lpc2478.cfg


  • -d2 is debug message level ,
  • -f interface/olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg points to debugger type
  • -f target/lpc2478.cfg declare MCU type

openOCD running example:

>openocd -d2 -f interface/olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg -f target/lpc2478.cfg
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.4.0 (2010-02-22-19:05)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
debug_level: 2
jtag_nsrst_delay: 100
jtag_ntrst_delay: 100
trst_and_srst srst_pulls_trst srst_gates_jtag trst_push_pull srst_open_drain
RCLK - adaptive
Info : RCLK (adaptive clock speed) not supported - fallback to 500 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: lpc2478.cpu tap/device found: 0x4f1f0f0f (mfg: 0x787, part: 0xf
1f0, ver: 0x4)
Info : Embedded ICE version 7
Error: EmbeddedICE v7 handling might be broken
Info : lpc2478.cpu: hardware has 2 breakpoint/watchpoint units

Debugging with console

openOCD waits telnet connection on 4444 port number by default. If you connect to port with some telnet client you can give command to server.

Putty or Realterm is suitable for this.

["Putty running"]
["Putty working example with openOCD"]

Frequently running OpenOCD commands

all openOCD commands can be viewed by help command in debug console


> help speed
jtag_khz [khz]
      With an argument, change to the specified maximum jtag speed.  Pass 0
      to require adaptive clocking. With or without argument, display
      current setting. (command valid any time)
jtag_rclk [fallback_speed_khz]
      With an argument, change to to use adaptive clocking if possible;
      else to use the fallback speed.  With or without argument, display
      current setting. (command valid any time)


  • halt – stop debugging
  • soft_reset_halt – stop debugging and reset registers

Working with registers

  • arm reg – list of arm core registers
  • reg – list of all registers
  • reg pc 0 – set pc to 0 (reset program)

If you want to go some codeblock you can put its first instruction address to pc manually. You should write reg pc 0x40000000 in console or monitor reg pc 0x40000000 in CodeBlocks gdb console.

SDRAM application debugging

Application debugging in SDRAM is the most fast, but it can not work from the first time because SDRAM controller are not activated. SDRAM activating can be done with some SDRAM application that stored in FLASH. U-boot or SDRAM example from NXP will help you. Next you connect hw debugger, start you program project with CodeBlocks and write next strings in console

monitor reg pc 0

Next you press Start/Continue and wait a couple of seconds wile FLASH application activates SDRAM chip. Next you try again load you application to SDRAM by command


Now you program in SDRAM. Then you should run program with command

monitor reg pc your program ADRESS in  SDRAM

Дальнешая актвизация SDRAM не требуется, можно сколько угодно раз загружать и останваливать процесс отладки. Работа с RAM позволяет устанавливать любое число точек останова так как они программные, в отличие от аппаратных точек останова во FLASH.

Speed and stable OpenOCD working

More slow – more stable! You should play with next OpenOCD settings for more stability.

monitor jtag_khz [100 | 500 | 1500 | и так далее]
monitor arm7_9 dcc_downloads enable | disable
monitor arm7_9 fast_memory_access enable | disable

Working with breakpoints

  • bp address length ['hw'] in majority you should put breakpoint with CodeBlocks, but sometimes it is not working well then this GDB command will help you. bp without parameters will print breakpoint list

CodeBlocks installing

First you should setup CodeBlocks version 10.2. It is recommended to choose all plugins in setup process this will avoid some CodeBlocks warnings. Next you should setup last svn version in the same directory rewriting 10.2 version. For example CB_20100912_rev6583_DEBUGGER_BRANCH_win32.7z file must be extracted in the same directory. There is automatic build of CodeBlocks Debug version every mounth. It can be found in CodeBlocks forum.

Setting GDB in CodeBlocks

It is nessesary to check two settings in CodeBlocks in Settings-> Compiler and Debugger -> Debugger Settings menu.

  • Display the debugger log – This option display all exchange between GDB and CodeBlocks, this also makes ability to print GDB commands directly
  • DO not run the debugee – This allow to not run program and set breakpoints before application run .
["configuring CodeBlocks for GDB"]

GNU DEBUGER running from CodeBlocks

If CodeBlocks project is configured as ARM project then GNU DEBUGER will be executed automatically.

Setting GDB in CodeBlocks

GDB is running by CodeBlocks. The main running parameters are sent to GDB by CodeBlocks. Main parameters are

  • connection type (TCP)
  • Debug server IP address and port (
["main GDB settings"]

Additional GDB commands: Here you can set additional commands that connected to debug and board specific. You should probably place commands in .gdbinit file and write ``source .gdbinit'' to ``After Connection'' field.

This is RAM debug parameters for GDB and LPC

set mem inaccessible-by-default off
set remote memory-write-packet-size 1024
monitor arm7_9 dcc_downloads disable
monitor arm7_9 fast_memory_access disable
set remote hardware-watchpoint-limit 2
set remote hardware-breakpoint-limit 2
monitor reset init
monitor halt
monitor soft_reset_halt
file RTOSDemo.elf
monitor soft_reset_halt

Also you can put content of .gdbinit file in ``After Connection'' directly as it shown on figure.

["additional GDB settings"]

All parameters that starts with monitor are sent to debug server . This mean that command monitor reset init will be sent as reset init

See Also
Working with OpenOCD.

Running debugging in CodeBlocks with GDB

If you want to run debugging with GDB you should do this things

  • compile project with *.elf file as target and setup GDB debugger;
  • debugger server must be run;
  • working project must not lay in folder with spaces in its name, that is why Desktop is not good place for that 'cos it lay in C:\Documents and Settings\.... folder.

After opening project you should press Debug\Start and Continue, this will run compile and debug process.

["CodeBlocks working with GDB"]