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Файл Utils/compress/lz4/lz4_format_description.txt


LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for and speed There
is no entropy encoder backend
nor framing layer The latter
is assumed to be handled by
other parts of the system This
document only describes the
not how the LZ4 compressor nor
decompressor actually work The
correctness of the
decompressor should not depend
on implementation details of
the and vice versa Compressed
stream format An LZ4
compressed stream is composed
of sequences a sequence is a
suite of followed by a match
copy Each sequence starts with
a token The token is a one
byte separated into two bits
fields Therefore each field
ranges from to The first field
uses the high bits of the
token It provides the length
of literals to 
follow (Note:a literal is a not-compressed byte).If the field value is 0


LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for 
LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for and speed There
is no entropy encoder backend
nor framing layer The latter
is assumed to be handled by
other parts of the system This
document only describes the
not how the LZ4 compressor nor
decompressor actually work The
correctness of the
decompressor should not depend
on implementation details of
LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for and speed There
is no entropy encoder backend
nor framing layer The latter
is assumed to be handled by
other parts of the system This
document only describes the 
LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for and speed There
is no entropy encoder backend
nor framing layer The latter
is assumed to be handled by
other parts of the system This
document only describes the
not how the LZ4 compressor nor
decompressor actually work The
correctness of the
decompressor should not depend
on implementation details of
the and vice versa Compressed
stream format An LZ4
compressed stream is composed
of sequences a sequence is a
suite of followed by a match
copy Each sequence starts with
a token The token is a one
byte separated into two bits
fields Therefore each field
ranges from to The first field
uses the high bits of the
token It provides the length
of literals to then there is
no literal If it 
LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for and speed There
is no entropy encoder backend
nor framing layer The latter
is assumed to be handled by
other parts of the system This
document only describes the
not how the LZ4 compressor nor
decompressor actually work The
correctness of the
decompressor should not depend
on implementation details of
the and vice versa Compressed
stream format An LZ4
compressed stream is composed
of sequences a sequence is a
suite of 
LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for 
LZ4 Format Description Last revised
LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for and speed There
is no entropy encoder backend
nor framing layer The latter
is assumed to be handled by
other parts of the system This
document only describes the
not how the LZ4 compressor nor
decompressor actually work The
correctness of the
decompressor should not depend
on implementation details of
the and vice versa Compressed
stream format An LZ4
compressed stream is composed
of sequences 
LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for and speed There
is no entropy encoder backend
nor framing layer The latter
is assumed to be handled by
other parts of the system This
document only describes the
not how the LZ4 compressor nor
decompressor actually work The
correctness of the
decompressor should not depend
on implementation details of
the and vice versa Compressed
stream format An LZ4
compressed stream is composed
of sequences a sequence is a
suite of followed by a match
copy Each sequence starts with
a token The token is a one
byte separated into two bits
fields Therefore each field
ranges from to The first field
uses the high bits of the
token It provides the length
of literals to then there is
no literal If it then we need
to add some more bytes to
indicate the full length Each
additionnal byte then
represent a value from 
LZ4 Format Description Last
byte oriented encoding The
most important design
principle behind LZ4 is
simplicity It helps to create
an easy to read and maintain
source code It also helps
later on for and speed There
is no entropy encoder backend
nor framing layer The latter
is assumed to be handled by
other parts of the system This
document only describes the
not how the LZ4 compressor nor
decompressor actually work The
correctness of the
decompressor should not depend
on implementation details of
the and vice versa Compressed
stream format An LZ4
compressed stream is composed
of sequences a sequence is a
suite of followed by a match
copy Each sequence starts with
a token The token is a one


LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for and speed There is no entropy encoder backend nor framing layer The latter is assumed to be handled by other parts of the system This document only describes the not how the LZ4 compressor nor decompressor actually work The correctness of the decompressor should not depend on implementation details of the and vice versa Compressed stream format An LZ4 compressed stream is composed of sequences a sequence is a suite of followed by a match copy Each sequence starts with a token The token is a one byte separated into two bits fields Therefore each field ranges from to The first field uses the high bits of the token It provides the length of literals to follow ( Note:a literal is a not-compressed  byte)


LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for compactness

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 11

LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for and speed There is no entropy encoder backend nor framing layer The latter is assumed to be handled by other parts of the system This document only describes the not how the LZ4 compressor nor decompressor actually work The correctness of the decompressor should not depend on implementation details of the compressor

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 11

LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for and speed There is no entropy encoder backend nor framing layer The latter is assumed to be handled by other parts of the system This document only describes the format

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 11

LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for and speed There is no entropy encoder backend nor framing layer The latter is assumed to be handled by other parts of the system This document only describes the not how the LZ4 compressor nor decompressor actually work The correctness of the decompressor should not depend on implementation details of the and vice versa Compressed stream format An LZ4 compressed stream is composed of sequences a sequence is a suite of followed by a match copy Each sequence starts with a token The token is a one byte separated into two bits fields Therefore each field ranges from to The first field uses the high bits of the token It provides the length of literals to then there is no literal If it then we need to add some more bytes to indicate the full length Each additionnal byte then represent a value from which is added to the previous value to produce a total length When the byte value is

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 39

LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for and speed There is no entropy encoder backend nor framing layer The latter is assumed to be handled by other parts of the system This document only describes the not how the LZ4 compressor nor decompressor actually work The correctness of the decompressor should not depend on implementation details of the and vice versa Compressed stream format An LZ4 compressed stream is composed of sequences a sequence is a suite of literals

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 11

LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for optimisations

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 11

LZ4 Format Description Last revised

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 11

LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for and speed There is no entropy encoder backend nor framing layer The latter is assumed to be handled by other parts of the system This document only describes the not how the LZ4 compressor nor decompressor actually work The correctness of the decompressor should not depend on implementation details of the and vice versa Compressed stream format An LZ4 compressed stream is composed of sequences Schematically

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 11

LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for and speed There is no entropy encoder backend nor framing layer The latter is assumed to be handled by other parts of the system This document only describes the not how the LZ4 compressor nor decompressor actually work The correctness of the decompressor should not depend on implementation details of the and vice versa Compressed stream format An LZ4 compressed stream is composed of sequences a sequence is a suite of followed by a match copy Each sequence starts with a token The token is a one byte separated into two bits fields Therefore each field ranges from to The first field uses the high bits of the token It provides the length of literals to then there is no literal If it then we need to add some more bytes to indicate the full length Each additionnal byte then represent a value from to

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 39

LZ4 Format Description Last byte oriented encoding The most important design principle behind LZ4 is simplicity It helps to create an easy to read and maintain source code It also helps later on for and speed There is no entropy encoder backend nor framing layer The latter is assumed to be handled by other parts of the system This document only describes the not how the LZ4 compressor nor decompressor actually work The correctness of the decompressor should not depend on implementation details of the and vice versa Compressed stream format An LZ4 compressed stream is composed of sequences a sequence is a suite of followed by a match copy Each sequence starts with a token The token is a one byte value

См. определение в файле lz4_format_description.txt строка 11